Thread: 7MGTE vs 1JZGTE
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Old 10-04-2006, 05:19 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default 7MGTE vs 1JZGTE

well i was looking for a motor on , and found both of these. the 7MGTE was only $100 cheaper, i was a little suprised, because the 1jz has a better reputation, and it being twin turbo. the only reason i'm shying the idea of it is the lack of parts and aftermarket support.

can the parts from a 7mgte be used on a 1jzgtte? ive heard that parts from 2jzgte can be used on it, but i'm pretty sure those are just a tad more common

and also, if i were to buy just the engine, would finding a 5-speed tranny for the 1jz be relatively cheap/easy to find? and what else would i have to buy

(here's the link to the page..)

sorry if this has already been addressed, but i don't have much time to research and all, also the fact that i can get some direct answers from you guys, given my situation is alot more helpful

which one would you guys suggest? any info would be appreciated :]
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