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Old 09-02-2006, 12:38 AM   #1
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Default I HATE MY STARTER SO MUCH (1987 Supra)

Okay, so, I've been attempting to remove my starter and put in a new one for a week now. I got the bottom bolt off fine, and also another nut that held the ground or something to it, all from underneath the car. Now, the only way I can get at the top bolt is from the top, and it is in such a bad spot! I can see either side of the bolt, and can only get a wrench on one side, the one closest to me (after snaking my arm all the way down). This doesn't do me any good, because I can't get any leverage, and can only use my fingers/thumb to attempt to move it! To top if off, theres a nice big thick hose right wear my hand needs to be.
I found a picture tutorial for taking out the starter from underneath the car only, but it looks like lots of stuff was taken out to make it a breeze.
Does anyone know how to get this top bolt off?? If it can only be done from the bottom, with a socket extension, what can be taken off to get at it better?
This is really driving me nuts! I've gone too far to have it towed to a shop to have them put my starter in!
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