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Old 07-06-2006, 10:17 PM   #35
3" Exhaust
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a real cold air intake uses a long tube that extends close to the ground since cold air drops to the ground and hot air rises (its science)
that's sig material right there....

Reminds me of the one part in Anchorman where Will Ferrell is explaining how men are smarter than women.

Can we understand heat dissipation and air density relation to temperature, first and foremost, please?

I made a heat shield for my subaru because the ecu was pulling timing from hot intake temps on a 90+ degree day in traffic.
It's made of aluminum, and ::shocked:: it works.

ever stand in front of a fire? stand close. feel the heat on your face?
Put your hand 8" away from your face, blocking it from the fire.
Does it block the heat?
now, do that with, oh, a piece of tin flashing. does it work?
do it with a shoe, a rock, a branch, leaf, piece of glass.
it reflects the heat.

The small amount of heat dissipated onto the intake side from my aluminum heat shield is maybe, MAYBE, 5% of what was originally surrounding the filter.
I need to conduct some tests with a thermometer, but according to the heat on my hand, it's an incredible difference, and I haven't seen the car this happy from intake temps since the winter.

for reference, here's the setup on my Subaru.

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