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Old 05-17-2006, 02:18 AM   #9
1000whp postwhore
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mrnickleye is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up A little more info

Just remove the P/S resevoir by getting the hoses off and lifting it out. Spray clean it with brake cleaner and a small cheap paint brush. Replace it and then top up to full line with DexIII tranny fluid (thats the factory fill stuff). Run the car a day, then suck out the fluid with a turkey baister with a 6' piece of fuel line stuck on the tip. refill againe with DexIII. Do this again in a week. Now you'll have flushed the entire system.

Is you car a turbo ?? A stock N/A automatic will NOT burn rubber in the forward gears. These cars were designed as a road race type car, so the tires grab the road and the suspension works to give you traction, not tire spin.

Brake costs about $10-15 to turn each. Since you are having problems that seem to be rotor related, I would opt for new ones. You can't "turn" out the hot-spots in the rotor.

Bummer to spend the $, then have to buy rotors to get them right. And many places that turn rotors don't know, or care, if they don't work out for you.

Fronts take all the abuse. My back ones are still on the same "good" pads for 4 years now, about 40k miles, and still have 50% pads.

I've done the fronts, pads and rotors, 2x in 4 years. About 60% pads left, now. I get mine from Carquest. Bendix Pads. Next time I'm gonna use ceramics, because they are quieter, and don't leave as much dust on my rims. Same $$ as good semi-metalics.

Read this,too.....
Had a Red 1989 N/A. Automatic. Sports Pkg. w/wing.
TEMS, and some nice MODS. Sold to a friend 10/08/08.

Last edited by mrnickleye; 05-17-2006 at 02:23 AM.
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