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Old 05-11-2006, 02:18 AM   #2
500whp yet?
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Location: Long branch, NJ
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Well, in my experience, There extremely tough, and if you are an ok mechanic, you can fix them very easily. The only thing that really goes bad is the headgasket, And minor stuff. My supra has every common problem that supras have, and the ones to look out for when buying: leaky hatch, leaky power steering, no speedo, no dome lights(who cares) and high emissions. Thats about it tho. As for mileage, There not bad, but not great. Mine averages about 20-25 total, highway/city mix. Ive been able to get quite a lot out of my gas but staying under 2k rpms as much as possible. Just goto 1600 in first close to 2 in 2nd, and then 2k and shift in 3 4 and 5, or just go close to your final speed in 4th, cause accelerating in 5th is kinda bad for the transmission and motor mounts unless your going like 55.
Yay the supra assistant is gone!!! WEEE!!

Last edited by Isphius; 05-11-2006 at 02:21 AM.
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