Thread: MKIII Setups?
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Old 03-02-2006, 10:36 AM   #7
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Rockford, IL
Posts: 92
XtreeX is on a distinguished road

I got the 6.5" 91+ speaker housings from the junkyard for free. I put Polk component speakers in there (5 1/4" plus a crossover and tweeter). I'm going to custom install the same set in the back SOMEWHERE I dont know where, yet. I am thinking on the inside wall right behind the doors. like right above the backseat. I'll have to take a look at it. Otherwise, I have 4" infiity ref. speakers ill just throw in the back.

I also have two 6x9s enclosed in the back. Sounds amazing when hooked up to a 4 channel amp (Kicker). I'm running these right now until my Sub comes then i
ll get rid of them. I'm getting the eclipse xa1000 mono amp and eclipse 10". I'm running a eclipse cd3000 deck right now with a powerful 5v preout. I will get the cd7000 when it comes out.

For the sub placement I may just take out the backseats and the spare and throw a fiberglass box in the wheel well and put a nice metal grate over it. That way my trunk space is actually increased (if the sub isn't flush with the top of the spare tire well). I'll post pictures soon and let you know what I went with.
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