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Old 02-14-2006, 10:42 PM   #2
12psi boost
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Troy, NY 12180
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IF it is in good shape, that is not a bad price.
If it is beat and needs rebuilding, you are getting ripped off.

A JDM 7M-GTE engine with the works on the motor (CPS, turbo, injectors, harness, manifolds, oil pan, etc) is about $1100

R154 5 speed transmissions go for about $400

The only thing is, does it have low miles like the JDM engines supposedly have.
Not to say that a low mileage engine can't be worn out, but just saying that they are usually low miles (stated that way at least) and people like that.

Now you live near Fort Lauderdale (I spent a couple winters in Fort L ), and so that is 30ish minutes from Miami.
And I know there is a JDM dealer in Miami.
Is that where you are getting it from?
-------------> ITEMS THAT ARE STILL AVAILABLE FROM AN '88 PART OUT <-------------

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