Thread: a scary moment
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Old 02-05-2006, 11:04 PM   #1
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: San Diego, Ca
Posts: 190
sd88supra is on a distinguished road
Exclamation a scary moment

after my mechanic fixed my idling problem (mal-functioning IAC valve, and an air leak), my car was running beautifully. However, today I made a quick trip to the liquor store and my car did some crazy idle revs. It would go from almost 0 to 2 RPM and then back down. It even stalled on me once. On the way back home it seemed to be back to normal, I unplugged some of the spark plug wires to make sure all spark plugs were working, and sure enough it was stable at 1 RPM. However, that was a scary moment. Also when my car is cold I hear a liquid-like sound coming out of the center panel (or maybe the tranny?), and I have no idea what it is. When I start my car cold or I rev it when its cold, I hear that noise. The more I rev the engine the louder the noise is. As a matter of fact, this isnt the only MKIII Ive heard it in. Any ideas if theres something my mechanic missed?
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