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Old 01-10-2006, 05:52 AM   #1
Lord Umoja
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Prescott AZ (College) or Selinsgrove PA (Vacation)
Posts: 10
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Default Newbie Ready for a real car.

I thought this would be a good placve to join in my search for Supra knowlege. I am a college student and will be getting a "loan" from my family this summer to buy a MkIV Supra. I currently drive, and feel free to laugh here, a modified Ford Focus ZX5 and decided to find a supra forum before buying the car. I have a few questions about the car but think I will do a more through search of the site before I ask them as not to waste time. I have always loved the MkIV supra and am currently looking for Twin Turbo with the 6-speed and a sport roof. This looks like a great place to learn about my dream car.
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