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Old 01-05-2006, 08:59 PM   #5
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 221
SKILMATIC is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by pwpanas
Probably less than 5 pounds. On the other hand, note the old racer's adage that the easiest way to remove 100lbs from a racecar is to remove 1lb in 100 different places (also sometimes said this way: "it's easier to find a 100 places to lose a pound that to find 1 place to lose a 100 pounds"). In that light (pardon the pun), the hollow carpet fibers might not be such a humorous measure, imho.
I totally agree with this. Weight is weght. Whethor you find it from fibers, nuts, bolts, or changing a cast iron block to aluminum; weight losed is weight losed. Now of course most honda guys just gut the hell out of their car supras also have that same option. Also before you make a run make sure you take a dump first cause thats 5 less pounds going down the track and make sure you dont eat anything too. O and dieting also helps. If you are a girl, breast reductions help bwahahaha.
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