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Old 12-24-2005, 03:15 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default I Finally Got the Head Off. Input Needed.

Well, I got the head off and to my surprise the gasket wasn't blown. There dosen't seem to be any cracks in the head or block, but I have to do a more through check. There was water in some of the cylinders.

My original problem was my car wouldn't start. It showed symptoms of a blown head gasket though. Coolant loss, exhaust in coolant, frothy oil cap (although I haven't drained the oil yet), blow-by by cylinder 4,5,6. The blow-by may have been caused by a faulty exhaust manifold gasket or improper torque though.

Any opinions other than me being retarded for not checking the basics? The way I see it though, it was a good opportunity to learn, upgrade stuff, and break stuff as well. Ahhhhh, now to put it all back together, sigh.
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