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Old 04-24-2017, 02:02 PM   #3
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 10
JIMMY JO BOB is on a distinguished road

Works great w/no electrical input to PPS Valve - Steering is weighted nicely w/car moving - Idle up feature keeps it fm being too heavy when stopped running stock size Falken Tires - Absolutely ZERO effect fm having no Steering Dampener being I have PPS Rack.

Biggest thing about Rack replacement is to make sure that u clean up the collapsable part of column & lube that up VERY well - That's because u use that travel to mate Shaft Spline fm Rack to Universal at Firewall AFTER u adjust Tie Rod Threads equally to 1/2 inch or so & secure Steering Wheel at center w/bungies - If u have Air Bag make sure u secure Steering Wheel at Center w/bungies BEFORE separating Shaft fm Universal at Firewall because of Clock Spring limits - Older cars like mine have no Clock Spring.
87 NT
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