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Old 05-07-2013, 02:13 AM   #1
Killa B
3" Exhaust
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Default Overdrive Indicator Flashing

So last night I blew out what I believe is a coolant return hose the little 90 degree one on the back side of the head just above the EGR Plate. after the hose blew out my O/D OFF indicator started flashing while the overdrive was on. It doesn't flash at all when the vehicle isn't moving weather its in park or drive. And it stays lit when the overdrive is actually off. The over drive its self still functions properly so my guess is there is a connector around the bell housing that got wet or I might have accidentally disconnected something. Have any ideas?
1989 na turbo supra ~ 3ARacing exhaust 2.5" pipe no resinator, sports package
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