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Old 10-18-2005, 04:04 PM   #23
3" Exhaust
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Morehead City, NC
Posts: 73
Jrok25supra is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by joel williams
hmm. ya tuff call..
Outlaw Engineering does not feel that bypassing the throttlebody coolant passage is a very elegant solution to throttlebody heat for many users. This often leads to rough idle, increased fuel consumption and possibly higher emissions. Many TB's contain thermosensors that would never reach operating temperature. It is similar to running an old carbureted vehicle with the choke all the time. Also, there truly is the possibility of ice formation in the TB during the colder months without this system. With the addition of an insulator, the vehicle can operate as it was meant to and the intake will remain cooler.


Im with him on that one. I ask autozone last year because I notice that the throttle body was hot from the coolant running through it. They said if you bypass the coolant from going to the throttle body that would make the car idle high b/c of temp sensors in the TB. And that also leading to more gas consumotion and might even trip a code, but the air would run cool before entering the intake manifold. LOL. Not something I would take a chance with. Unless you got an older car without the ECUs.
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