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Old 11-03-2012, 10:04 AM   #1
3" Exhaust
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Default Replacement of Dash Lights

Sooo most of the bulbs in my dash are out or have barely any life in them, the only ones that are still working good are the bulbs that light up the total miles, the trip, and each needle. But besides that you can`t see anything. So yeah it kind of sucks driving at night, haha. So what i wanted to know is how to remove the dash and what bulbs will I need to buy. I know that there is a tutorial on the TSRM, but is there an easier way to approach it or steps one can skip? So any tips and advice from anyone that has undergone this procedure or to anyone the could give insight on this will be very helpful. Thanks!
1989 Toyota Supra Turbo w/ Targa Top
White Exterior-Blue Interior
3" Blitz Catback Exhaust System
BIC Divorced Downpipe, Straight Pipe
Megan Track Coilovers
Apexi BOV, Turbo Timer, and Intake
Lexus Projector Fogs
Bride Low Max Replica
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