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Old 07-02-2012, 07:37 PM   #10
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Chico, CA
Posts: 10
wayja is on a distinguished road
Default New Development

New Development! While troubleshooting and ohming wires and testing voltages, the car no longer cranks over with the key. The starter relay clicks, but no fuel pump operation and no starter rotation. I checked all connectors and they are good, and the battery is fully charged. I thought maybe the neutral start switch (this is an automatic car) so I looked for a way to temporarily bypass it for testing. I found two connectors under the intake manifold, one with six wires and one with three. I disconnected the six connector wire. The TSRM says that all six wires should have continuity.? Just for fun, I checked voltages at the ECU. According to the schematics, after the starter relay there is a connector to the ECU (NSW). It has 12V when turning the key. I checked the wire afterthe switch (it is still disconnected and got 12V on pin STA. How can this be? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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