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Old 06-05-2012, 06:44 PM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Kansas
Posts: 8
Spy_91 is on a distinguished road

Where? This isn't accurate... at least not for the situation I think you're describing.
So woooting sound during boost = not good. I dont remember where i read that, but it wasn't on this forum. I just googled "bypass valve wooting sound" Just goes to show you can't trust everything you read on the internet
Ok, flutter = b a d. I'd need more specifics to really give any opinion on the "woot" you're hearing. The discharge sound will vary depending upon the configuration of the vehicle's intake. The Bosch sounds much like the stock BPV but as you didn't have a good one to start with it's a moot point. If you have a large, open element air filter you'll have a louder "woosh" kind of sound.
The woot/hoot sound happens at WOT around 4-6 psi. It doesn't woot when i let off the throttle to shift, that makes the whoosh sound you talked about. And btw i have the hks mushroom head air fliter
There should be no sound WHILE you are boosting
Except for the hissing of the turbo
bad AFM
I replaced the AFM like 3 years ago, really hope its not busted already. The car runs fine (with the recent Bosch BPV mod) and idles prefectly at like 600-700 its only when you punch it that it has issues boosting. When the AFM went bad the first time i couldn't drive it at would just stall and get bogged down.
Personally, I'd remove the unit until everything else is fixed.
Yeah....I hooked it back up after i got the BPV on there and then after the car started shutting down while boosting and having the code 34 so I disconnected it again.

I really appreciate all the posts. Sounds more and more like I have an elusive boost leak somewhere. I'll recheck all the lines and the WG actuator and keep ya posted. Thanks again!
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