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Old 02-17-2012, 09:13 PM   #2
12psi boost
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Originally Posted by 88A3507 View Post
Hello, I have an 88 Supra Turbo with around 139k miles on it. I have performed compression and leak tests with a new mechanic who claims to have experience rebuilding the 7M-GTE.

I recieved a quote to perform the following tasks and I would like to make sure nothing major is being overlooked. I am doing the rebuild next weekend and I want to have a really good game plan.

Cyl. Head Gasket
Intake Manifold Gasket
Coolant Flush/Fill (toyota coolant)
Timing belt tension (Im not sure if this means they will replace it or just tone it)
Water pump replacement
cramshaft seal(really?)
crankshaft seal
valve cover gasket
any neccessary machine work


Doesn't seem way out of the ballpark on pricing, but I don't know the labor time associated with these parts.

Also, I would like to know if there is anything else troublesome that should be noted on this top end rebuild so I can do it now while the motor is cracked open.

It seems to be the right price, be sure that the head is sent off to the shop for the whole nine yards. Lets see, cleaning, checking the surface, pressure check, servicing of the valves. dollar for dollar it is the best investment you can make.

I had to have a rebuilt head put on mine. The kid who had it before me cracked it during his "sport". Even though my guy is only about 200 HP, he drives well and is fast enough.
1986 Mk III MA70 7MGE Targa Top 5 Speed Stock Exhaust
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